Sunday, December 29, 2019

Italian Verbs Decidere Conjugations

Decidere—sharing roots with the English to decide—is an irregular second-conjugation Italian verb whose irregularity rests in an irregular passato remoto and an irregular participio passato: deciso. It falls in a group with the verb ridere (to laugh), whose past participle is riso and which shares the same quirks. Meaning to decide, to resolve to do something, or to establish something, decidere can be transitive, conjugated with the auxiliary verb  avere, followed by a  direct object. Akin to the verb scegliere, which means to choose or pick something, decidere can be used in a similar manner—for example, Ho deciso il nome del cane; I decided the dogs name. Most often, though, decidere is—much like in English—used to decide on something or about something: decidere se, decidere che (followed by a conjugated verb), and decidere di (followed by a verb in the infinitive). The object is still direct, often in the form of a subordinata oggettiva (a subordinate clause that serves as an object). The verb still answers the question What? and it still uses avere (and there is a direct subject-object relationship). Abbiamo deciso di prendere il treno delle 20.00. We decided to take the train at 8 p.m.Dobbiamo decidere se andiamo o no. We need to decide if we are going or not.Luca ha deciso che vuole vedere un film. Luca decided he wants to see a movie. The verb has an indirect object and is intransitive (though still with avere) if it is separated by a preposition. For example, Ho deciso sul vestito. I decided on the dress. Decidersi Also common is the intransitive reflexive/pronominal decidersi, which is a bit closer to the English to make up ones mind. It reflects more the concept of coming to the end of an internal process, and it is conjugated, therefore, with essere and reflexive pronouns. Remember the differences in choosing your auxiliary. Decidersi is most often followed by the preposition a: Mi voglio decidere a prendere un cane. I want to resolve to get a dog.Luigi e Carlo si sono decisi a fare un viaggio. Luigi and Carlo decided to take a trip.Nel 1945 i nonni si decisero finalmente a vendere la casa. In 1945 my grandparents resolved finally to sell their house. Note: Ho deciso di fare questo passo, but, Mi sono decisa a fare questo passo. I decided to take this step. Both decidere and decidersi can be used with no stated object: Il fato decide. Fate decides.Non so decidermi. I cant make up my mind.Mentre si decideva, luomo fumà ² una sigaretta. While making up his mind, the man smoked a cigarette. In speaking, decidersi is used as frequently as decidere and interchangeably, best suited to some tenses and constructions; hence, the conjugation table below includes both. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative A regular presente. Io decido/mi decido Oggi decido il colore del bagno. Today I decide/will decide/am deciding the color of the bathroom. Tu decidi/ti decidi Ti decidi a sposarti? Will you make up your mind to marry? Lui, lei, Lei decide/si decide Oggi Carla decide di partire. Today Carla decides/is deciding to leave. Noi decidiamo/ci decidiamo Noi decidiamo cosa fare. We decide/are deciding what to do. Voi decidete/vi decidete Voi decidete se volete uscire. You decide if you want to go out. Loro, Loro decidono/si decidono Lo sento: questa settimana si decidono a comprare casa. I feel it: This week they are resolving to buy a house. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative A compound tense, the passato prossimo is made of the present of the auxiliary and the participio, deciso. Io ho deciso/mi sono deciso/a Oggi ho deciso il colore del bagno. Today I decided the color of the bathroom. Tu hai deciso/ti sei deciso/a Ti sei decisa a sposarti? Did you decide/have you decided to get married? Lui, lei, Lei ha deciso/si à ¨ deciso/a Carla ha deciso di partire. Carla decided/has decided to leave. Noi abbiamo deciso/ci siamo decisi/e Abbiamo deciso cosa fare. We have decided what to do. Voi avete deciso/vi siete decisi/e Voi avete deciso se volete uscire? Have you decided if you want to go out? Loro, Loro hanno deciso/si sono decisi/e Loro si sono decisi a comprare la casa. They made up their minds to buy the house. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative A regular imperfetto in -ere. Io decidevo/mi decidevo Quando dipingevo, decidevo tutti i colori prima di cominciare. When I painted, I always decided all the colors before starting. Tu decidevi/ti decidevi Da ragazza non ti decidevi mai a sposarti. As a young woman, you would never make up your mind to marry. Lui, lei, Lei decideva/si decideva In estate Carla non si decideva mai a partire. In summer Carla would never resolve to leave. Noi decidevamo/ci decidevamo A casa nostra decidevamo sempre noi bambini cosa fare la domenica. In our house we children always decided what to do on Sundays. Voi decidevate/vi decidevate Mentre voi decidevate se volevate uscire, noi siamo uscite. While you were deciding if you wanted to go out, we went out. Loro, Loro decidevano/si decidevano Appena impiegati, non si decidevano mai a comprare casa. When they were just employed, they would never make up their minds to buy a house. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Remote Past Indicative An irregular passato remoto. Io decisi/mi decisi Quella volta decisi i colori con te. That time I decided the colors with you. Tu decidesti/ti decidesti Nel 1975 finalmente ti decidesti a sposarlo. In 1975 you finally made up your mind to marry him. Lui, lei, Lei decise/si decise Quella mattina Carla decise di partire presto. That morning Carla decided to leave early. Noi decidemmo/ci decidemmo Quando decidemmo cosa fare, prendemmo il cavallo e partimmo. When we decided what to do, we took the horse and we left. Voi decideste/vi decideste Finalmente quella sera vi decideste a uscire. Finally that evening you made up your minds to go out. Loro, Loro decisero/si decisero L'anno che si decisero a comprare casa, traslocarono. The year they resolved to buy the house, they moved. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Past Perfect Indicative The trapassato prossimo is a compound tense with the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the participio, deciso. Note the variations. Io avevo deciso, mi ero deciso/a Avevo deciso i colori ma non gli piacevano. I had decided the colors, but he didn't like them. Tu avevi deciso/ti eri deciso/a Ti eri decisa a sposarti; perchà © hai cambiato idea? You had made up your mind to marry; why did you change your mind? Lui, lei, Lei aveva deciso/si era deciso/a Carla aveva deciso di partire, ma perse il treno. Carla had decided to leave, but she missed the train. Noi avevamo deciso/ci eravamo decisi/e Non avevamo ancora deciso cosa fare quando Luca ci telefonà ². We had not yet decided what to do when Luca called. Voi avevate deciso/vi eravate decisi/e Avevate deciso se volevate uscire? Had you decided if you wanted to go out? Loro, Loro avevano deciso/si erano decisi/e Siccome che si erano decisi a comprare casa, avevano messo via i soldi. Since they had resolved to buy a house, they had put the money away. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Preterite Perfect Indicative The trapassato remoto is a good storytelling tense from the remote past, used with the passato remoto of the auxiliary and in constructions with the passato remoto. Io ebbi deciso/fui deciso/a Quando ebbi deciso i colori, tua nonna e io li andammo a comprare. When I decided the colors, your Grandma and I went to buy them. Tu avesti deciso/fosti deciso/a Dopo che ti decidesti a sposarlo, comprasti il vestito. After you made up your mind to marry him, you went to buy the dress. Lui, lei, Lei ebbe deciso/fu deciso/a Appena ebbe deciso di partire, la vennero a prendere. As soon as she decided to leave, they came to get her. Noi avemmo deciso/ci fummo decisi/e Quando avemmo deciso cosa fare, prendemmo il cavallo e partimmo. When we had decided what to do, we took the horse and we left. Voi aveste deciso/vi foste decisi/e Appena vi decideste a uscire la polizia vi arrestà ². As soon as you resolved to come out, the police arrested you. Loro, Loro ebbero deciso/si furono decisi/e Dopo che si furono decisi a comprare casa andarono a parlare col banchiere. After they had resolved to buy the house, they went to talk with the banker. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Simple Future Indicative A regular futuro. Io deciderà ²/mi deciderà ² Domani deciderà ² il colore del bagno. Tomorrow I will decide the color of the bathroom. Tu deciderai/ti deciderai Ti deciderai mai a sposarti? Will you ever make up your mind to marry? Lui, lei, Lei deciderà  /si deciderà   Carla deciderà   di partire quando sarà   pronta. Carla will decide to leave when she is ready. Noi decideremo/ci decideremo Prima o poi decideremo cosa fare. Sooner or later we will decide what to do. Voi deciderete/vi deciderete Vi deciderete se volete uscire quando vorrete. You will decide if you want to go out when you are ready. Loro, Loro decideranno/si decideranno Loro si decideranno a comprare la casa quando saranno pronti. They will make up their minds to buy a house when they are ready. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Future Perfect Indicative The futuro anteriore is made of the simple future of the auxiliary and the participio passato, deciso. Io avrà ² deciso/mi sarà ² deciso/a Quando avrà ² deciso i colori te lo dirà ². When I will have decided the colors I will let you know. Tu avrai deciso/ti sarai deciso/a Quando ti sarai decisa a sposarti, fammelo sapere. When you will have made up your mind to marry, let me know. Lui, lei, Lei avrà   deciso/si sarà   deciso/a Carla partirà   quando si sarà   decisa. Carla will leave when she will have decided to. Noi avremo deciso/ci saremo decisi/e Quando avremo deciso cosa fare, te lo diremo. When we will have decided what to do, we will let you know. Voi avrete deciso/vi sarete decisi/e Uscirete quando vi sarete decisi. You will go out when you will have decided to. Loro, Loro avranno deciso/si saranno decisi/e Quando si decideranno a comprare la casa, daremo loro i soldi. When they will have resolved to buy a house, we will give them the money. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo presente. Remember that the Italian subjunctive does not necessary translate to subjunctive constructions in English, as is very evident from this verb. Che io decida/mi decida Mio marito aspetta che io decida i colori. My husband is waiting for me to decide the colors. Che tu decida/ti decida Spero che tu ti decida a sposarti. I hope you decide to marry. Che lui, lei, Lei decida/si decida Non voglio che Carla decida di partire. I don't want Carla to decide to leave. Che noi decidiamo/ci decidiamo Aspetto, basta che decidiamo cosa fare. I'll wait, as long as we decide what to do. Che voi decidiate/vi decidiate Spero che vi decidiate presto se uscite. I hope you decide soon if you are going out. Che loro, Loro decidano/si decidano Non credo che si decidano a comprare la casa. I don't think they will decide to buy a house. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive A regular imperfetto congiuntivo. A tense of contemporaneity in the world of wishing. Che io decidessi/mi decidessi Mio marito vorrebbe che decidessi i colori. My husband wishes that I decide the colors. Che tu decidessi/ti decidessi Desideravo che tu ti decidessi a sposarti. I wished that you had made up your mind to marry. Che lui, lei, Lei decidesse/si decidesse Avrei sperato che Carla si decidesse a partire. I would have hoped that Carla had decided to leave. Che noi decidessimo/ci decidessimo Volevo che decidessimo cosa fare. I wanted us to have decided what to do. Che voi decideste/vi decideste Speravo che vi decideste a uscire. I hoped that you would made up your mind to go out. Che loro, Loro decidessero/si decidessero Vorrei che si decidessero a comprare casa. I wish they would make up their minds to buy the house. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive A compound tense, the congiuntivo passato is made of the present subjunctive of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Che io abbia deciso/mi sia deciso/a Mio marito spera che io abbia deciso i colori. My husband hopes that I have decided the colors. Che tu abbia deciso/ti sia deciso/a Spero che tu ti sia decisa a sposarti. I hope that you have resolved to marry. Che lui, lei, Lei abbia deciso/si sia deciso/a Spero che Carla non abbia deciso di partire. I hope that Carla has not decided to leave. Che noi abbiamo deciso/ci siamo decisi/e Credo che abbiamo deciso cosa fare. I believe we have decided what to do. Che voi abbiate deciso/vi siate decisi/e Spero che vi siate decisi a uscire. I hope you have decided to go out. Che loro, Loro abbiano deciso/si siano decisi/e Nonostante si siano decisi a comprare la casa, ancora non l'hanno comprata. Though they have made up their minds to buy a house, they still have not bought it. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive The other compound subjunctive, the congiuntivo trapassato is made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Note the variety of tenses in the main clause. Che io avessi deciso/mi fossi deciso/a Mio marito non pensava che avessi deciso i colori. My husband didn't think I had decided the colors. Che tu avessi deciso/ti fossi deciso/a Non avevo creduto che tu ti fossi decisa a sposarti. I had not believed that you had made up your mind to marry. Che lui, lei, Lei avesse deciso/si fosse deciso/a Avrei voluto che Carla non avesse deciso di partire. I wished that Carla had not decided to leave. Che noi avessimo deciso/ci fossimo decisi/e Pensavo che avessimo deciso cosa fare. I thought that we had decided what to do. Che voi aveste deciso/vi foste decisi/e Volevo che vi foste decisi di uscire. I wanted you to have decided to go out. Che loro, Loro avessero deciso/si fossero decisi/e Avrei sperato che si fossero decisi di comprare la casa. I had hoped that they had resolved to buy the house. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional A regular condizionale presente. Io deciderei/mi deciderei Io deciderei i colori se mi lasciasse in pace. I would decide the colors if he would leave me in peace. Tu decideresti/ti decideresti Tu ti decideresti a sposarti se ne avessi voglia. You would make up your mind to marry if you felt like it. Lui, lei, Lei deciderebbe/si deciderebbe Carla deciderebbe di partire se avesse i soldi. Carla would decide to leave if she had the money. Noi decideremmo/ci decideremmo Noi decideremmo cosa fare se fossimo pià ¹ decisi. We would decide what to do if we were more resolute. Voi decidereste/vi decidereste Voi decidereste di uscire se facesse meno freddo. You would decide to go out if it were less cold. Loro, Loro deciderebbero/di deciderebbero Loro si deciderebbero a comprare casa se ne trovassero una che gli piace. They would resolve to buy a house if they saw one they liked. Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional The condizionale passato is made of the present conditional of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Io avrei deciso/mi sarei deciso/a Avrei deciso i colori se mi fossero piaciuti. I would have decided the colors if I had liked any of them. Tu avresti deciso/ti saresti deciso/a Ti saresti decisa a sposarti se lo avessi amato. You would have resolved to marry him if you had loved him. Lui, lei, Lei avrebbe deciso/si sarebbe deciso/a Carla avrebbe deciso di partire se avesse voluto. Carla would have decided to leave if she had wanted to. Noi avremmo deciso/ci saremmo decisi/e Prima o poi avremmo deciso cosa fare. Sooner or later we would have decided what to do. Voi avreste deciso/vi sareste decisi/e Voi avreste deciso di uscire se avesse fatto meno freddo. You would have decided to go out had it been less cold. Loro, Loro avrebbero deciso/si sarebbero decisi/e Loro si sarebbero decisi a comprare casa se ne avessero vista una che gli piaceva. They would have decided to buy a house had they seen one they liked. Imperativo: Imperative The imperativo is a good tense for the verb decidere. Make up your mind! Tu decidi, deciditi Decidi cosa mangiare! Decide what you want to eat! Noi decidiamo, decidiamoci Decidiamoci, su. C'mon, let's make a decision. Voi decidete, decidetevi 1. Decidete se volete andare. 2. Decidetevi! 1. Decide if you want to go. 2. Make up your mind! Loro decidano, si decidano Che decidano! Che si decidano! May they decide! May they make up their minds! Infinito Presente Passato: Present Past Infinitive The infinito  is used often with servile or helping verbs: Devo decidere! I must decide! Decidere Trovo difficile decidere dove voglio vivere. I find it hard to decide where I want to live. Decidersi 1. Ci mise un giorno per decidersi. 2. Non riesco a decidermi. 3. Decidersi à ¨ difficile cosà ¬. 1. He took a day to make up his mind. 2. I can't make up my mind. 3. It is hard to make up one's mind like this. Aver deciso Dopo aver deciso di partire, Paolo à ¨ tornato. After having decided to leave, Paolo came back. Essersi deciso/a/i/e Dopo essersi deciso a partire, Paolo à ¨ tornato. After having made up his mind to leave, Paolo came back. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle In addition to the regular function as auxiliary, the participio passato deciso  can serve as a noun or more often, in this case, as an adjective, meaning resolved or determined. Decidente (never used) Deciso/a/i/e 1. Non à ¨ deciso. 2. Non à ¨ stato deciso. 3. Siamo persone decise. 1. It is not decided. 2. It has not been decided. 3. We are determined people. Gerund Present Past: Present Past Gerund Decidendo Decidendo di fare un vestito, Giovanna va a comprare la stoffa. Deciding to make the dress, Giovanna goes to buy the fabric. Decidendosi Decidendosi finalmente a fare il vestito per la festa, Giovanna compra una stoffa rossa. Finally resolving to make the dress for the party, Giovanna buys a red fabric. Avendo deciso Avendo deciso di fare il vestito, Giovanna va a comprare la stoffa. Having decided to make the dress, Giovanna goes to buy the fabric. Essendosi deciso/a/i/e Essendosi decisa, Giovanna à ¨ andata a comprare la stoffa. Having made up her mind, Giovanna went to buy the fabric.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Communicable Disease Paper - 1814 Words

Communicable Disease Paper Communicable disease, â€Å"is an infectious disease transmissible, (as from person to person) by direct contact with an infected individual or the individual’s discharges or by indirect means (as by a vector)† (Merriam-Webster, 2011, p. 1). Understanding how communicable diseases are spread is important in reducing the significant affliction of disease in low income communities across the United States and increase prevention, awareness, and safety. The objective of this paper is to discuss the communicable disease’s human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome known as HIV and AIDS. In addition to describing HIV/AIDS, a brief overview of prevention, environmental factors, and social†¦show more content†¦Influence of Lifestyles, Socioeconomic Status and Disease Management In present society and in some lifestyles and media outlets, sleeping around is overly glorified to children and young adults; the influence is the more the person sleeps around, the more popular the person becomes. Particularly in the African American culture, video’s depict rappers, surrounded by women dressed scantly, influencing more provocative behavior among children and teens; promoting sexual innuendos. A lower socioeconomic status may produce individuals with lower education, poor health, and poverty. A person living at a lower socioeconomic status may not be able to obtain decent employment to acquire health benefits; living in a poverty-stricken neighborhood will not contain accurate or up-to-date-medical resources and services and sexual education will become shelved as a non-important issue within these communities. For HIV/AIDS management the individual must receive up-to-date information and education on available HIV/AIDS resources, build a plan specificall y created by his or her physician, obtain equipment, and supplies necessary for treatment, and assess nutritional information, which is extremely vital in preventing additional illnesses. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Obama’s Health Care Reform Free Essays

Obama’s Health Care Reform Building the universal health care system is one of the campaign promises of the Obama administration. Health care occupies a special place on public finance; it’s different with other goods markets in the daily life. It’s one of the important issues for the government, which associated with people’s life and death. We will write a custom essay sample on Obama’s Health Care Reform or any similar topic only for you Order Now People have high quality health care is a right of all people and should provide as a public service. People got their health insurance from the working companies, the government, or the insurance companies. The health care reform is the large part in Barack Obama’s presidency. On March. 23rd, 2010, finally the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act became law. Obama wants to use health care reform to stimulates the economy in the short run, but also reduce the deficit problem in the long run. This health care reform is the most important transition for the US. As we known US is the only developed countries which doesn’t have universal health coverage, it has more than 40 millions who don’t have health care insurance, also some family can’t afford the high health insurance cost. Also the public funds for the health care are also high; the US has the high cost health care but inefficient operation system. Now the aging problem become more serious, it has more retirees, the elders need more health care, and this increases the pressure of the health care insurance, increase the cost of the health care; also some technique widely used caused the expenditure increase†¦ The Obama’s health care plan quickly increase the number of people who have health care insurance by spending money upfront. The Act includes the health insurance providers are mandated to accept person, charging them the same rate as individuals without conditions; extend the coverage, provides more subsidies to the poor people to get the insurance, provide affordable health coverage for all Americans, no matter that are rich or poor; people have choice to select their insurance and doctors, it aims to eliminate some worst practices of the insurance company; reduce the cost and make health insurance more effective. The US would keep the employee-based health insurance to cover most Americans, also create a public insurance system for people who do not have insurance. The employers have to pay into the system for the employees or provide health care insurance as good as the federal system. Also individuals would pay into the public system, the government would give subsidy to lower the cost and make them affordable for the low-level class. As a family, 38% think that the life would be better off, 43% think that there’s no change; As the whole country, we find that 59% think the country will do better after health care reform, 19% think that there would be no change after reform, 12% think their life would be worse off. So to the whole country, most of people support the reform. Actually, this reform brings the US many changes. To the whole US citizen, it extends coverage through mandated. The health care plan will provide affordable and efficient health insurance coverage for most Americans. So people who in the middle-level class or low-level class have ability to join into this health care plan. They all have right to get high quality health care. US expand the Medicaid range, give subsidy insurance premium to someone were poverty; creating a â€Å"national health insurance exchange†, it’s control by the government and sell insurance to people who don’t have health insurance; As shown in the graph, using the health care plan, the share of the population with health insurance coverage would increase to 93. 3% in 2019, spend about 20. 9% GDP on health care, means that government care more about people’s health. Change the US health care system to lower cost but high quality system. Obama put forward that â€Å"antitrust laws to prevent insurers from overcharging physicians for malpractice insurance. † This not only reforms the medical malpractice system, regulate the insurance company, but also improve the efficiency of the whole system, improve patient safety. The most important part of Obama’s policy is make investment in health information technology, this strategy nor only improve the health care quality, also reduce the cost in long run society. He provides a competitive insurance market to promote more efficient and more competition. Promoting prevention and strengthening public health. In previous health care plan, less than one in twenty five goes for prevention. Obama’s notion of the health care plan is â€Å"to create the conditions and opportunities that allow and encourage Americans to adopt healthy lifestyles. † Prevention is the national priority, providing opportunities to have healthy lifestyle and keep disease away. .. For example, have more primary care provider and disease prevention program, established National Prevention, Health Promotion†¦ these federal agencies would help to build good promotion and prevention for the country. The government provides special funds for promotion and prevention; this would improve the quality of health care, improve the public health strategy and develop the new technology; provide new prevention technology information and regular screening for people†¦government provide such services to prevent disease by healthy lifestyle. The reform not only affects the health care, but also the economy. The most important impact on industry is the insurance industry. As the demand and for insurance increase because the regulation on employers, also the supply decrease the price is low due to the regulation, this would decrease the cost of health insurance. Recent years, insurance industry is overhead, by this health care reform, it reduces the overhead status and reduces the competition in this industry. Obama’s plan regulate the insurance industry by providing new purchasing pools, standards the health care package, reducing expenses, promoting competition†¦without the reform, government spending on Medicare and Medicaid is unsustainable, also raising during years, by this, the family save a lot. The reform has regulation on employers should provide health insurance to the employees. Also to some small business, the government provide special subsidy fund to help them build the health care plan†¦ Obama’s plan tries to overhaul the previous health care system. He stands as the patient, the health care provider, employers, employees, government†¦ attempt to change aspect from different person’s opinion. This reform changes the current health care system and affects the economy, to build a universal health care system. It has variety advantages, but also it has some problems. Like government require employees to provide employers health insurance if they don’t have. To employers, this is not good news, basically, this increase their cost of hiring employers, and means that they should hire less people by the same amount spending. Also American is a democratic state; people have their own right to choose what they want. Obama’s opinion is build the universal health care system, but realization way is force all people to buy health insurance, people lost their right; at the same time, they should provide personal information to the insurance company, including their habits. The most important is government power expansion to the health insurance; Americans lost their own medical decision, the decision power transfers to the government. Also there’s problem whether the cost containment strategies going to support this universal health cares system in long run†¦ Now it’s hard to say the future of this health care reform, weather is good to public, or have some problem, time would tell us the truth. According to the short term, the reform is good for Americans and the economics also good for the people who cannot afford the insurance. It has positive impact on the society, become one of a big jump in the history. Citation: 1. http://www. calpoly. edu/~efisher/Econ%20464/NicoleWallen%20Senior%20Project. pdf 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_care_reform_in_the_United_States 3. http://healthpolicyandmarket. blogspot. com/2008/03/detailed-analysis-of-barack-obamas. html 4. http://www. bing. com/images/search? q=health+care+obama+planFORM=BIFD How to cite Obama’s Health Care Reform, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Goals And Dreams Essay Example For Students

Goals And Dreams Essay DreamsTheories attempting to explain the origin and functions of REM sleepinclude: (1) that REM sleep provides stimulation for the development of thebrain; (2) that it performs a chemical restoration function, since during REMdreaming neuro-protein synthesis occurs along with the restoration of otherdepleted brain chemicals; (3) that it provides oculomotor (eye movement)coordination, since during non-REM sleep the eyes move independently of eachother; (4) that it provides a vigilance function, since REM sleep (stage I) ischaracterized by a level of consciousness close to the awakened state; (5) in amore recent and controversial theory, REM dreaming performs a neurologicalerasure function, eliminating extraneous information build-up in the memorysystem; and (6) that, in a more cognitive psychological explanation, REMdreaming enhances memory storage and reorganization. Contrary to popular belief, dreaming is not caused by eating certainfoods before bedtime, nor by environmental stimuli during sleeping. Dreaming iscaused by internal biological process. Some researchers have proposed theactivation-synthesis hypothesis. Their neurological research indicates thatlarge brain cells in the primitive brain stem spontaneously fire about every 90minutes, sending random stimuli to cortical areas of the BRAIN. As aconsequence, memory, sensory, muscle-control, and cognitive areas of the brainare randomly stimulated, resulting in the higher cortical brain attempting tomake some sense of it. This, according to the research, gives rise to theexperience of a dream. Now, as in the past, the most significant controversycenters on the question of whether dreams have intentional, or actual personal,meaning. Many psychotherapists maintain that while the neurological impulsesfrom the brain stem may activate the dreaming process, the content or meaningfulrepresentations i n dreams are caused by nonconscious needs, wishes, desires, andeveryday concerns of the dreamer. Thus, such psychotherapists subscribe to thephenomenological-clinical, or top-down, explanation, which holds that dreamsare intentionally meaningful messages from the unconscious. The neurological,or bottom-up, explanation maintains that dreams have no intentional meaning. In between these two positions is an approach called content analysis. Contentanalysis simply describes and classifies the various representations in dreams,such as people, houses, cars, trees, animals, and color, though no deepinterpretation is attributed to the content. Differences in content have beendiscovered between the dreams of males and females, and between dreams andoccurring in different developmental stages of life. What these differencesmean is under investigation. Some recent research seems to indicate that dream content reflectsproblems that the dreamer experiences in life, and that the function of suchdreams is to facilitate the emotional resolution of the problems. Numerousaccounts exist of scientific problems being resolved, and literary works beingdeveloped in dreams after dreamers had consciously immersed themselves in aproblem for an extended time. Cognitive psychologists are concerned with logic and thought processingduring dreaming, and how they are different from mental processes during thewaking state. In studies of the developmental cognitive processes of childrensdreams, for instance, it has been found that the increasing complexity ofchildrens dreams parallel waking cognitive development. Many researchersbelieve that knowledge about dreaming is important for understanding wakingimagination. Current and future research issues involve further establishing andextending all of the above areas. Anthropologists are studying cross-culturesimilarities and differences in dreams. Research into NIGHTMARES and bizarredreams continues. In addition, REM research is important for understandingpsychobiological abnormalities. Some findings indicate that epileptic seizuresare suppressed during REM sleep. Narcoleptics, people who may involuntarily fallasleep at any time, enter REM sleep almost immediately. Research continues onthe variations in dream recall. For instance, artists tend to recall moredreams than scientists, and, for the population at large, only a smallpercentage of dreams are recalled. Lucid dreaming, the ability of dreamers tobecome aware of and to control their dreams while dreaming, is also the focus ofsome current research. Some lucid dreamers can learn to communicate withresearchers through nonverbal signals. New research also promises to yieldsignificant knowledge ab out memory, storage and retrieval, cognitiveorganization, psychobiological processes, human consciousness, and specificoperations of the mind Science